Posted on Monday, June 03, 2013 12:30 PM
The grand opening of the Rotary Splash Pad in Alexandra Park was held on Saturday, June 15.
With the project now complete, the Strathroy Rotary Club and the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc coordinated a ceremony to mark the opening of the splash pad and recognize contributors to the project. Representatives of the Rotary Club, the municipality, and the Ontario Trillium Foundation, along with MPP Monte McNaughton and special guest recently retired NHL star Andy McDonald, participated in the ceremony.
Posted on Tuesday, May 28, 2013 12:15 PM
The Strathroy Farmers’ Market is set to open for the 2013 season on Saturday, June 1.
Located on the Market Square behind Town Hall at 52 Frank Street, the market offers local produce, plants, baking, crafts and more. The Farmers’ Market will run every Saturday this summer and fall until October 26, from 8:00 a.m. to 12-noon.
New vendors are always welcome and may contact Daryl Bycraft at 519-666-2927 or Donna Smith at 519-232-9511.
Posted on Monday, May 27, 2013 09:30 AM
Thanks to the support of Union Gas, decorative tree planters now line Adelaide Road in the village of Mount Brydges.
The Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc received $2,000 through the Union Gas “Helping Hands in Action” community program over the past two years towards the purchase of ten new concrete tree planters and cedar trees, installed at various locations along Adelaide Road in the commercial area of Mount Brydges.
The trees were planted on the morning of Saturday, May 25th with volunteers...
Posted on Thursday, May 23, 2013 01:15 AM
A proposal by the Strathroy Lions Club to build a bandstand/amphitheatre in Alexandra Park has received preliminary approval from local council.
The Lions are suggesting the building of the structure, which could be used for a large variety of community events, club officials feel, including in-park church services, movies, and concerts, and would be available for use by local groups such as the Strathroy Community Players and local dance clubs.
Under the proposal, the Lions would raise funds to support...
Posted on Wednesday, May 22, 2013 04:30 AM
Property tax rates for 2013 have been set in Strathroy-Caradoc.
Council on May 21 approved the rate package, in which the residential tax rate will rise 0.176 percent from last year’s rate.
With reassessment pushing assessed value of the average residential property in Strathroy-Caradoc up by 3.31 percent, the average total tax increase over last year will be 3.486 percent. On a property assessed at $200,000 this year, property taxes will total $2,603.62, based on the 3.31 percent assessment increase...
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