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Municipal residents can get involved in civic life by serving on a committee or board, or by attending an open committee meeting.
The Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc has established a number of advisory committees for the purpose of providing advice to Council on matters within the committee's mandate. In some cases, Council has established local boards to administer matters under specific Provincial legislation.
Committee members have been appointed for the 2022 - 2026 Council term. Vacancies will be posted as they become available.
Committee of Adjustment |
The Committee of Adjustment makes decisions on applications regarding minor variances, consents, and other technical matters set out under the provisions of the Planning Act. The Committee of Adjustment may also be established by the authority of the Building Code Act to make decisions regarding the Property Standards By-law. |
Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) |
The mandate of the Community Development Advisory Committee is to advise and assist the Municipality in promoting parks, recreation, cultural and community development - based activities, in identifying capital requirements and provide direction in terms of Community Services programs and services. |
Museum Strathroy-Caradoc Advisory Committee |
The mandate of the Museum Advisory Committee is to advise and assist the Municipality on issues pertaining to the management of Museum Strathroy-Caradoc and the development and promotion of heritage, culture, and the arts in the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc. |
Downtown Strathroy Business Improvement Area (BIA) Board of Management |
The Strathroy Business Improvement Area (BIA) allows local businesspeople and property owners to join together. With the support of the Municipality, it organizes, finances, and carries out physical improvements and promotes economic development in its district.
Strathroy-Caradoc Fire Service Advisory Committee |
The mandate of the Strathroy-Caradoc Fire Service Advisory Committee is to advise and assist the Municipality in promoting the Fire Service by supporting, recommending and identifying requirements, and providing recommendations in terms of programs, services, and additional requirements within the Fire Services Department. |
Strathroy-Caradoc Police Services Board |
The Strathroy-Caradoc Police Services Board is the civilian oversight body that is responsible for providing police services in Strathroy-Caradoc. The Board's authority is established by Section 31 of the Police Services Act. The Strathroy-Caradoc Police Services Board is comprised of two appointees of the Province of Ontario, one Community Representative, and two appointees from Strathroy-Caradoc Municipal Council. |
Southwest Middlesex Medical Centre Board |
The Southwest Middlesex Health Centre is a non-profit, charitable community governed organization serving patients from Mount Brydges, Delaware, Komoka, and their surrounding areas, as well as the First Nations of Oneida, Muncey, and Chippewas of the Thames. The Board of Directors provides oversight to the team. |
Tri-Township Arena Board |
The Tri-Township Arena Board provides oversight and direction regarding the maintenance, control, and operation of Tri-Township Arena. The Board is composed of membership from the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc and Chippewas of the Thames First Nation. |
Fence Viewers |
The Line Fences Act provides a dispute resolution procedure between the owners of adjoining properties in most of Ontario. Line fences are fences that mark the boundary between properties and are often referred to as boundary or division fences. The Act does not deal with disputes about fences that are not on a boundary line. Fence viewers are appointed by the Municipality to resolve disputes and issue decisions. |
Livestock Viewers |
Livestock viewers investigate livestock claims when animals are injured or killed by predatory wildlife. The Valuer completes a detailed written report of their findings, including the amount of compensation in accordance with the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program. |
Qualifications for Appointment