The Municipality is embarking on a multi-year project to update its
Official Plan and complete a series of Master Plans and Studies to
comprehensively plan for the next 20+ years. Together, they will guide
growth, transportation, trails, housing, employment & commercial land
development, and parks & recreation decisions across the Municipality.
Learn more and get involved at
The Official Plan of the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc is designed to achieve a number of purposes:
- To establish, in general terms, the type, form, intensity, character, and desired pattern of land use and the approach to ensuring the wise management of the resource base;
- To establish a growth management strategy;
- To provide a rational and consistent basis for actions and decisions on all matters relating to the use of land, development, redevelopment, and physical improvement of the Municipality;
- To ensure the health, safety, welfare, convenience, and well-being of existing and future residents;
- To assist other levels of government and public agencies concerned with or having an interest in the Municipality in making decisions and in determining their future actions affecting the Municipality;
- To inform the general public, special interest groups, private interests, and enterprises of the intended nature and direction of the use of land, development, redevelopment, and physical improvements in the Municipality;
- To provide the basis for the preparation, administration, and amendment of zoning by-laws and other by-laws affecting the use of land and development in the Municipality.
The Official Plan outlines the direction of the municipality through 2034. To download a copy of the Official Plan, please follow the link below: