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The Municipality is embarking on a multi-year project to update
its Official Plan and complete a series of Master Plans and Studies
to comprehensively plan for the next 20+ years. Together, they will
guide growth, transportation, trails, housing, employment & commercial
land development, and parks & recreation decisions across the
Municipality. Learn more and get involved at
The Building and Planning Department is responsible for three core functions of the municipality: building, planning and by-law enforcement.
The Building and Planning Department works closely with all Municipal Departments and other government agencies, including Middlesex County and local Conservation Authorities, to co-ordinate and process all development that occurs in the municipality and advise council and other committees of council on development-related matters. The role of the department is to manage growth in Strathroy-Caradoc and ensure a high quality of development that meets or exceeds policy objectives to ensure the health, safety, welfare, and well-being of all residents.
The department provides information to individuals and groups about the development process in the municipality and ensures that development applications are processed in a timely and efficient manner. Core areas of responsibility include the review of development proposals, processing of planning applications, the administration of the Zoning Bylaw and the Official Plan, the development of land use policy, and assistance with economic development initiatives when necessary.
The department works with the construction industry and the public to ensure construction meets Ontario Building Code standards related to building, plumbing, heating, swimming pools, septic systems, and demolitions.
This department also handles by-law enforcement matters related to untidy yards, landlord/tenant issues, and parking enforcement.
For more information related to planning matters, please visit the following links:
Stay up-to-date with past and current planning applications by viewing the Municipality's Interactive Planning Application Map.
For more information related to building matters, please visit the following links: