Payment of property taxes can be made in several different ways:
- Virtual City Hall:
- Virtual City Hall Update - The online payment option regularly accesed via Virtual City Hall is currently unavailable. For assistance with making your property tax payment, please call the Municipal Office at 519-245-1070.
- Create a profile to access your tax bill and make online payments via Virtual City Hall. To create your account you will need your property roll number and last annual levy amount, both of which are on your tax notice.
- Pre-authorized Payment Plan: Automatic withdrawals from your bank account on the last day day of each month OR automatic withdrawals from your bank account on the four instalment due dates (see forms below for more information).
- Telephone or Internet banking: Check with your financial institution for set-up, and allow up to 5 business days for processing. (NOTE: Use your property roll number for your account number and use all 19 digits. If only 15 digits are allowed, leave off the last four zeroes.)
- Mail: Allow up to 5 business days for processing.
- Post-dated cheques can be dropped off at the municipal office or mailed. Send in your tax stubs with your post-dated cheques to ensure payment is applied correctly. Cheque payments can be dropped in the night deposit box located in the front door of the municipal office.
- Payment by cash, cheque, debit, mastercard or visa can be made at the Municipal Office at 52 Frank Street, Strathroy between 9:00am and 12:00pm and 1:00pm and 4:00pm Monday to Friday. A 2% convenience fee will be added at the time of the transaction for all Visa and Mastercard payments. The new, centralized customer service hub is accessible via the side entrance only.
- E-Transfer and an App called “Paytm”.
Please make cheques payable to "The Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc".
Penalty of 1.25% for late payment of taxes will be charged on the first day of default and on the first day of each calendar month thereafter, until paid. The Municipality is not responsible for bank or postal delays. Failure to receive a tax bill does not excuse a taxpayer from the responsibility of payment or from the liability of penalty charge for late payment. The Tax Collector has no authority to waive or alter penalty and/or interest charges for any reason.
Returned Cheque Policy
Municipal policy regarding returned payments states: if two returned payments are received within a 1-year period, an administration fee of $35 will be charged. If a third returned payment is received within the 1-year period, an administration fee of $45 will be charged and further payments will only be accepted in the form of cash, phone/Internet banking, money order, bank draft or certified cheque. If you are on the pre-authorized plan, you will be removed.
Pre-Authorized Tax Payment Program
The municipality offers two pre-authorized property tax payment programs. To qualify, all taxes must be up to date and you must enrol at least ten (10) days before withdrawal. There are two plans to choose from: four automatic withdrawals per year on the instalment due date, or 12 monthly withdrawals.