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The Municipality maintains a comprehensive Zoning Bylaw that enforces the land use designations and policies of the Official Plan by establishing regulations to control the use of land and the character, location, and use of buildings and structures in accordance with the Planning Act.
The Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc is undertaking a two-stage comprehensive review of its Zoning By-law. Updating the Zoning By-law will result in a set of land use regulations that more effectively, efficiently, and fairly address the needs of our community.
Every property within the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc is subject to the requirements of the Zoning By-law. The Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc was formed in 2001 with the amalgamation of the Town of Strathroy and the Township of Caradoc. A zoning by-law is a legal document passed under Section 34 of the Planning Act. It is the primary implementation tool for the Municipal and County Official Plans and is intended to reduce conflict between incompatible land uses.
A zoning by-law contains provisions to control:
The by-law includes maps to show how each property is zoned and the permitted uses for each zone. Visit Middlesex County’s website to view interactive zoning maps for all properties located in Middlesex County.
The current Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc was first passed in September 2008 and has not been comprehensively updated since it was originally approved. During this time, the Zoning By-law has undergone numerous site-specific and housekeeping amendments. The Planning Act requires that municipalities update their zoning by-laws within three years of updating their Official Plans to ensure alignment between the two documents. The Municipality recently underwent an update to its Official Plan, thereby prompting the need for the present comprehensive review.
Since the Zoning By-law determines what land uses are and are not permitted on properties, it’s important to regularly update these permissions to address the changing needs of society. Updating the Zoning By-law will result in a set of land use regulations that more effectively, efficiently, and fairly address the needs of our community.
The comprehensive review will take place over two stages:
Below is a breakdown of the anticipated timeline for the Stage 1 Zoning By-law Review. Stage 2 is anticipated to commence in Winter 2025.
The comprehensive review of the Zoning By-law will include:
The Zoning By-law Review will not include requests to change the zoning classification of specific properties, which are more appropriately addressed through municipal planning applications.
Provide your feedback on the Municipality's Zoning By-law Review by completing the 'Zoning By-law Review - Community Survey' found below:
Zoning By-law Review - Community Survey
As part of the comprehensive review of the Zoning By-law, there are many opportunities for you or your organization to get involved and provide the Municipality with valuable input into your vision for the new Zoning By-law.
The Zoning By-law review project will include several public consultation events. We are developing timelines for public engagement to keep the public informed and get your valuable feedback on the Zoning By-law.
The Municipality welcomes and encourages the public to participate in this process. Comments can be provided by email to:
Alternatively, you can send a letter to the address below.
Jennifer Huff
Director of Building and Planning
Tel: 519-245-1105 x250
52 Frank Street,
Strathroy ON N7G 2R4