Water and sewer rates for 2013 have been approved by Strathroy-Caradoc Council.
The basic water rate will increase by five percent this year, while the sewer rate increase will be four percent over 2012. For heavy water and sewer users, the increase will be slightly more. The new rates are in line with the principle of full cost recovery, which means that the rehabilitation and eventual replacement of water and sewer infrastructure will be paid entirely from the rates charged to users rather than from property tax revenues.
For the average user, the monthly increase for water use over last year will be $1.64, or an increase of $19.68 over a full year. The monthly increase for sewer use will be $1.26, or $15.12 over a full year.
Even with the increases, Strathroy-Caradoc’s rates remain among the lowest in the region.
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