Application No. A25-2023
Agent/Applicant: Travis Sherman (Forest City Pool & Patio Inc.) for Matthew and Sarah Melanson
Subject Lands: 2584 Lucas Ave., Mount Brydges
Purpose and Effect
An application for minor variance has been submitted by the applicants and will be heard before the Strathroy-Caradoc Committee of Adjustment. The purpose of the application is to seek relief from Section 4.2.6(a) of the Strathroy-Caradoc Zoning By-law to permit a 15 m2 (161.5 ft2) shed in the exterior side yard of a residential property, whereas the Zoning By-law prohibits accessory structures from locating closer to the exterior side lot line than the main dwelling.
The subject lands are located within the ‘Residential’ designation of the Official Plan and within the ‘Low Density Residential (R1) Zone’ of the Strathroy-Caradoc Zoning By-law. The property is located on the eastern corner of Lucas Avenue and Pondhaven Road in Mount Brydges. The land may be legally described as Lot 62 of Plan 33M740 (geographic Township of Caradoc), Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc. See attached Location Map.
Or, you can send written comments to:
Eva Baker, Acting Secretary-Treasurer
519-245-1105 x 234
52 Frank Street, Strathroy, Ontario, N7G 2R4
There is a 20-day appeal period from the date of decision, in which time the decision of the Committee may be appealed by the applicant or prescribed public bodies to the Ontario Land Tribunal. If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment, you must submit a written request by mail or email to Eva Baker, Acting Secretary-Treasurer (see above). For additional information regarding this application, please contact Erin Besch, Planner at 519-930-1010.
The applicant, or any authorized person, appointed in writing and acting on behalf of the applicant, must attend this Hearing. If you are aware of any persons affected by this application who have not received a copy of this notice, it would be appreciated if you would so advise them.
Pursuant to Section 1.0.1 of the Planning Act and in accordance with Section 32(e) of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, it is the policy of the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc to make all planning applications and supporting material, including signed written submissions regarding the application and received by the Acting Secretary-Treasurer prior to the Hearing, available to the public.
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