Please note that this is an informal summary of selected actions taken by Strathroy-Caradoc Council at its December 4, 2023 meeting and is not an official record of proceedings. To view full meeting agendas, minutes, and archived video, visit Official minutes which detail the full list of Council decisions will be posted online once they have been ratified by Council.
Council Receives Communication Regarding Upcoming Virtual Public Information Session
During the December 4, 2023 Council meeting, Council received a communication item in reference to an upcoming virtual Public Information Session. The information session — scheduled for December 13, 2023 from 6 to 8 p.m. — is being held by the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc in order to gather community input on the Municipality's Comprehensive Review.
The Municipality has been undertaking a comprehensive review process that is aimed at planning for future growth within the Municipality. Based on a study of job, population, and housing growth trends, the Municipality has identified a need for additional lands to accommodate future growth. In order to determine how growth will be managed, the Municipality began a comprehensive review process which helped to identify areas within the Municipality that could best support growth. As part of the Comprehensive Review, the Municipality has identified areas of potential settlement boundary expansion in both Strathroy and Mount Brydges. During the information session, preliminary proposed settlement area boundary expansions will be presented alongside an update on the Municipality’s Comprehensive Review. The Municipality is encouraging the public to attend the virtual meeting to provide feedback which can inform potential revisions. No decisions will be made during the information session and additional in-person information and feedback opportunities will be announced at a later date.
For more information on the Comprehensive Review or to pre-register for the virtual Public Information Session, please visit:
2024 Proposed Schedule of Fees and Charges Receives Approval from Council
Council has approved the 2024 Proposed Schedule of Fees and Charges. The Municipality's schedule of fees and charges outlines administrator fees and user charges for various Municipal services such as transfer stations, facility rentals, marriage license applications, and more. The Municipality reviews these fees and charges on an annual basis and makes updates where necessary. Fees and charges assist in covering all or a portion of the cost of delivering customer-specific services, therefore alleviating the financial impact on tax and user ratepayers.
For more information on fees and charges updates, please review the 2024 Proposed Schedule of Fees and Charges (PDF[856kb]).
Tender Awarded for the Construction of Fire Hall - Station 1
Following a tender process, Council has awarded a tender for the construction of Fire Hall - Station 1 to Tradition Construction Inc. for a value of $7,428,200.00 plus HST. Additionally, Council has approved a 10% contingency fund to address unforeseen circumstances that may arise for a value of $742,820.00.
As part of the Municipality's approved Fire Master Plan (FMP), the Strathroy Fire Hall (Station 1) has been pinpointed for replacement due to its age and condition. The FMP identified the current location (23 Zimmerman St N., Strathroy) as the optimal location for the new hall. The New Station 1 has been designed to meet or exceed all health and safety requirements outlined in provincial regulations, encompassing NFPA, Building Code, OHSA, and Section 21 Guidance Notes.
The tender's amount of $7,428,200.00, plus HST, and the 10% contingency of $742,820.00, result in a total project cost of $9,136,686.00. This figure is below the $10,000,000.00 to be allocated in the 2024 Capital Budget, as approved by Council.
Council Approves the Purchase of 4 Station Protect Air Purifiers
Council has approved the purchase of 4 Station Protect Air Purifiers from Task Force Tips (TFT) Fire Fighting Equipment for a total cost of $26,616.00 plus HST. The need for the air purifiers was previously identified in a report presented to Council at the November 20, 2023 Council meeting. The November 20, 2023 report, titled CS-2023-31(PDF[315kb]), provided the results from indoor air quality tests at the Municipality's three fire stations and highlighted a list of recommendations which could be implemented to improve air quality.
One of the recommendations highlighted in report no. CS-2023-31 involved examining the possibility of incorporating an air purification system featuring activated carbon to enhance the removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air. Municipal staff explored available options and identified a single provider. While various air purifiers are available, the selected unit is specifically designed for fire halls and their unique environments. Incorporating these units is one step towards reducing overall VOC levels to meet Health Canada's specified trigger point. The addition of these units also aims to tackle elevated concentrations of individual compounds that may exceed the Ambient Air Quality Criteria outlined by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, and Parks.
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