Please note that this is an informal summary of selected actions taken by Strathroy-Caradoc Council at its November 18, 2024 meeting and is not an official record of proceedings. To view full meeting agendas, minutes, and archived video, visit Official minutes which detail the full list of Council decisions will be posted online once they have been ratified by Council.
Council Receives 10-Year Road Needs Study for Information
During the November 18, 2024 Council meeting, Council received the results of a 10-Year Road Needs Study. The 10-Year Road Needs Study outlines the current state of the Municipality’s road infrastructure and sets a plan for improvements over the next decade. Conducted by B.M. Ross and Associates, the study assessed 255 km of roads, prioritizing maintenance and rehabilitation to ensure safety and reduce long-term costs.
As outlined in Report No. EPW-2024-76 (PDF[238kB]), the study revealed that, while much of the road network is in fair to good condition, certain areas require attention to prevent further deterioration. A comparison with the 2015 Road Needs Study indicates a decline in average road conditions, emphasizing the need for increased maintenance and investment. The recommended funding levels for road resurfacing and reconstruction total $67,966,700 over 10 years, averaging $6,796,700 annually. Projects will be integrated with water and wastewater upgrades to optimize costs and minimize disruptions.
Council Receives Update on Mount Brydges Wastewater Treatment Facility Program
During the November 18, 2024, Council meeting, Council received a report providing an update on the Mount Brydges Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) Program, including the current status of the facility’s Interim and Medium-term solutions.
As outlined in Report No. EPW-2024-79 (PDF[638kB]), the Mount Brydges WWTF continues to face operational challenges, struggling to meet Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) effluent criteria consistently. Additionally, flows at the plant are also continuing to increase annually, likely as a result of ongoing development and aging infrastructure.
Upon their review and discussion of the report, Council passed a motion directing staff to continue exploring Mount Brydges WWTF Program opportunities including converting the existing equalization tank construction contract to an equipment-supply contract, completing an operational review and process optimization, and conducting an inflow & infiltration study. Additionally, Council passed a motion requesting that staff work with a delegation received at the same meeting, and neighbouring landowners of the WWTF with which the Municipality has pre-existing agreements.
Council Endorses 2024 Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Master Plan
During the November 18, 2024, Council meeting, Council passed a motion to endorse the 2024 Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Master Plan as the recommended servicing strategies to meet Strathroy-Caradoc’s growth needs to 2046 as well as provide effective ongoing continuity to existing serviced settlement areas.
The Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Servicing Masterplan (WWSMP or Masterplan) was developed as a strategic planning document to facilitate long-term planning and identify the infrastructure required to accommodate population and employment growth in the Municipality through 2046.
Additionally, Council passed a motion directing staff to file a Notice of Completion and commence the 45-day public review period as required under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) process.
For more information, please see Report No. EPW-2024-80 (PDF[445kB]).
Council Approves 2025 Schedule of Council Meeting Dates and Locations
Upon their review of staff Report No. LLS-2024-13 (PDF[234kB]), Council has approved the 2025 regular Council Meeting and Strategic Priorities Meeting dates.
In addition to providing proposed meeting dates, the staff report provided various options regarding the location of meetings and whether or not to approve the Caradoc Community Centre as an off-site meeting location for two of Council’s 2025 meetings. Upon review of this report, Council passed a motion confirming that all 2025 Regular Council Meetings will proceed in the Council Chamber located at the Municipal Office, allowing for the use of existing video recording, live streaming, and teleconferencing infrastructure.
Review all upcoming Council & Committee Meeting dates at Upcoming agendas are posted five days in advance of the meeting date.
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