For those residing in or owning a business in Strathroy-Caradoc, private home/business security is a priority.  Video security surveillance can be an effective tool for crime prevention and can also assist in solving crime.  The benefits can go beyond the home and include the community. 

The Strathroy-Caradoc Police Service has joined the CAMSafe program (camera registry platform). This provides an opportunity for community-based crime prevention, as well as an investigative resource that seeks the assistance of Strathroy-Caradoc residents.  This Initiative gives community members the opportunity to voluntarily identify their own residential video surveillance location through a secure, confidential process through Strathroy-Caradoc Police Service.  Any addresses identified with surveillance will be added and mapped for officers to quickly and effectively direct their focus when investigating offences in your neighbourhood.  This Initiative may assist with deterring and preventing crime.

CAMSafe is a community CCTV and security video registry. It was established by the Belleville Police Service in June of 2021 and has had great success and community engagement. The program is now expanding into other communities across the province.

Residents or business owners wishing to collaborate with police in solving crimes in their community can go to and register video cameras/doorbell cams. Only basic details, such as a name, address and contact information, are necessary to participate.

This is a voluntary, community-driven program – participants can add or delete their information at any time and only police have access to your details. 

CAMSafe is designed to provide a starting point for officers to obtain video footage to assist an investigation.  For example, if a crime occurs in your neighbourhood, an officer can log into CAMSafe, determine who has cameras registered and request footage from the owners.

There is no direct access to cameras or account information through CAMSafe – it is only a directory for officers to utilize during investigations to locate the owners of potential footage.

The Strathroy-Caradoc Police Service encourages residents and businesses to register their cameras on  Together, we can help to reduce crime in our community.

For more information or to register your cameras, go to CamSafe

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the Strathroy-Caradoc Security Camera Initiative? 
If police are in your neighbourhood taking a report of crime, they may canvass residents to see if they heard, saw, or are aware of anything suspicious.  This can be a very time consuming endeavor.  With the knowledge of locations of security cameras, police can direct the focus of their investigation better
Is the Initiative really going to help? 
As residents look to protect their property and homes with security equipment, the chances of success for this Initiative increase.  There are various low cost/high-tech equipment available that has made this crime prevention technique far more prolific.  A canvass of a neighbourhood is time consuming and this Initiative will be as good as the data inputted.  That’s why we’re seeking residents' help. 
If I participate, do I have to hand over my video footage/images?
No, the program will always be voluntary, so this will be entirely up to you. 
Why do the police want this? 
 The primary objective of this Initiative is building and maintaining a database of camera locations within the Municipality. Any security surveillance equipment on your property is an excellent crime prevention tool and a way to protect YOUR property.  Everyone has a responsibility in crime prevention.  Cameras are a deterrent to crime.  If police are allowed to contact you quickly in order to check your cameras for video of crimes in progress, we
can all work together to make our communities safer for all residents.
Are you asking us to do the job of the police? 
Not at all.  What we are asking is for residents to take an active part in the safety of our community.  Neighbourhood Watch was, many years ago, a recognized crime prevention program as police asked neighbours to look out for one another.  This is a more technologically advanced version of that. 
Will anyone be able to see the database? 
No.  The database and all information contained within it is confidential, and only staff of Strathroy-Caradoc Police Service will have access to it.  In the event of a crime occurring, officers will be able to locate the scene of the crime on a “crime map” and quickly find which surrounding residences have video that may be of use. 
Are the police encroaching on our privacy? 
No.  This Initiative is completely voluntary.  Regardless of whether you register, you may be visited if a crime should occur in your neighbourhood during an officer canvass.  In addition to being asked if you have any information about the specific event, you may also be asked if you have any cameras.  You are free to
decline assistance to officers. 
How will I share the footage from my system with the police?
Police will not physically remove any of your camera equipment.  You will be provided, by officers, with a
storage device and asked to extract the video on-site, and at your convenience. 
Is it easy to participate? 
Yes.  The registration form is user-friendly and can be completed in a matter of minutes. Also, we are happy to answer any other questions you may have about this Initiative. 
Will I be contacted a lot because of this? 
With any luck, you won’t be contacted at all. You may be contacted if a crime is committed in your neighbourhood and the police think your cameras may have recorded something of relevance.